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  • Sri Lanka Derrick Crane DC2430
  • Sri Lanka Derrick Crane DC2430
  • Sri Lanka Derrick Crane DC2430
  • Sri Lanka Derrick Crane DC2430

Sri Lanka Derrick Crane DC2430

Location : Colombo, Sri Lanka

Equipment : Derrick crane DC2430-10

A derrick crane is a specific style of lifting machine. It is usually a fixed crane, meaning it is assembled and disassembled in the location where it is used, although there are some very small mobile styles. Generally, the crane is characterized by its long, fixed length tower. These cranes are typically used in locations where items need to be moved from a common initial point to single nearby location, like on shipping platforms and construction sites. Since the hook can go up and down freely, a derrick crane is often used to raise and lower items in a high location, like on high-rise buildings. Often, during the end phase of construction, a crane is brought to the top of the building and assembled on the roof. The derrick then lowers the equipment to the ground, after which it is disassembled and brought down as well. Yatai DC2430-10 derrick crane is such a modern designed and practical lifting tool to be put on the roof of buildings. It's often used to dismantle tower cranes and other equipments on site. 30 meters jib, 10 tons max load, SEW mechanisms, DC2430 get many jobs in Sri Lanka with its supreme quality.

Yatai Heavy Industry Inc., Ltd.
Yatai Heavy Industry Inc., Ltd.

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